
#101: Why Do You Need To Write A Book?

By Joyce Glass | Create

Episode #101 - The Write Hour, Why Do I Need To Write A book, Writing A book, Writing, Write A Book

Listen To The Write Hour Introduction:

Top Tips from The Write Coach

✍ ​Learn how to start and write a book

✍ ​Have you considered how you can be an authority in your field?

✍ ​What makes you an authority?

✍ ​Learn the 10 ways a Book is MORE than a Book!​

Here’s the thing:
The book that will most change your

life is the book you write.

Seth Godin 

Episode 101 of The Write Hour!! Why Do You Need To Write A Book? A Book Is More Than A Book! Tips From #TheWriteCoach

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​10 Ways a Book Can Grow Your Business

​Have you ever considered the ways writing a book could help you grow your business? The rewards are not as immediate as other ways to grow your business. However, creating a long-range plan will build a stronger business in the long run instead of always looking for short-term gains. 

A book helps you create a system to keep your pipeline full of speaking engagements, and new clients or customers. 

A book...

  1. Opens up doors to speak to hundreds instead of one on one.
  2. Create professional talks from the content.
  3. Gives people a chance to connect with you
  4. Establishes you as an expert in your field. 
  5. Gives you a reason to be a guest on a podcast, radio show, guest blog, and even TV shows. Reach more people. You touch their audience, and they can become your audience.
  6. Helps you gain new clients by selling your book when you speak.  
  7. Creates a new product, or promotes a current product.
  8. Helps you create multiple blog post for your site or as a guest post. 
  9. Create valuable free content to grow your email list. 
  10. Create great memes with your quotes on social media.

A book is more than a book. You can create income for your business many ways with a book. Take time to think about how you can leverage a book to grow your business.

Pick two or three ways to grow your business with a book!

​How Do I Write a Book??

Write Your Book in 2020

Learn the
Four-Steps To The Write Book

My Gift For You!
With a FREE Writing Planner

Learn how to start and
organize your book! 

"Setting goals is the first step
in turning the invisible into the visible."
Tony Robbins

NOTICE: This download is a four-part emails series
to guide you to write your book in 2018. 

You will receive one email each week.
This is your year to write your book! 

How can you use a book to grow your business?
Share your answer in the Facebook Comments below!

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About the Author

Joyce Glass, The Write Coach, helps writers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners use the power of story to connect with clients. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember your story. Joyce takes her clients through the book writing process from the idea of a writing a book to the finished manuscript. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book or in the process.  Joyce loves to help her clients break it down into manageable steps. Some people start multiple books, and never finish. Joyce helps you reach the finish line.

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