
#406: Four Writing Blunders To Avoid

By Joyce Glass | Complete

Top Tips From The Write Coach Find the best word not always the prettiest word.  Keep your sentence structure interesting by using a variety.  Beware of repeating words unnecessarily. Keep your readers in mind. What will keep them turning the page to learn more or find out how the story ends? ​~ Joyce Glass. ~ 1. Don’t Overuse The ThesaurusFinding the […]

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#402: What is the big deal about Active Voice?

By Joyce Glass | Create

Top Tips From The Write Coach What is the difference between Active Voice & Passive Voice?  Learn the three ways to correct Passive Voice.   What is the difference between Passive Voice and Past Tense? Active Voice creates powerful prose. ​Keep your readers engaged and turning the page.~ Joyce Glass ~ What is the difference between Active Voice and Passive Voice?  In most basic […]

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#205: The Write Life ~ Journaling, Storytelling, and Self-Care

By Joyce Glass | Clarity

Top Tips From The Write Coach Kelly shares her unique writing journey. Healing from tragedy helped her realize her love for writing.   Learn how journaling can improve your writing and bring healing.  Kelly emphasizes the importance of self-care for all writers. Do you journal?  Journaling your life, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations frees your brain to be creative and continue […]

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