
#606 How Can A Professional Author Assistant Help You Write? Interview with Chela Hardy

By Joyce Glass | Complete

Episode #606 How a Professional Author Assistant Helps You Write! Interview with Chela Hardy, Ask Chela, Publishing, Writing Journey, Book Marketing, Social Media, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Marketing my book, How to grow Platform, Platform, How do I write a book, Book Coach, Writing Coach, Editor, Writing, Book, blogging, Editing, how to start a book, The Write Coach

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Top Tips From The Write Coach

✍️  ​Why do authors need a Professional Author Assistant (PAA)?

✍️  ​​Collaborate with a PAA to help you with the many aspects of writing!

✍️  ​A PAA can help you through Self-Publishing OR Traditional Publishing​!

"There are so many things an author can take off
their plate and hand over to an assistant so they can
focus on their writing project."
~ Chela Hardy ~

Why do authors need a Professional Author Assistant?

Professional Authors Assistants help bring order to all the chaos with writing a book and we break it down into three different sections: the manuscript phrase, the self-publishing phase or traditional publishing phase, and the marketing phase. For instance, in the manuscript phase nonfiction authors use quotes from other people or use other people's content. There are permissions to coordinate and a professional author assistant can complete this for the author.

If the author decides to self-publish, but then decides they want a traditional publishing deal, there's research they can hand off to their assistant. There are different pieces of a marketing proposal a PAA can research and find the needed information.

Writing a book, creating a proposal, finding an agent and publisher, and the marketing of the author and their book has many moving parts. If the author decides to self-publish, this process includes many moving parts as well. A PAA takes the pressure off by helping the author through all the different phases of writing, publishing and marketing their book.

Chela explains how she has helped her clients, and what you want to look for when seeking a Professional Author Assistant.

How a Professional Author Assistant Helps You Write! Interview with Chela Hardy #606 -> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour

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Meet ​Chela

Chela Hardy is a certified Professional Virtual Author & Speaker Assistant, a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, a workshop facilitator, and a writer. Through her company, AskChela, and her publishing industry website AuthorAndSpeakerServices.com, she is armed with a very specific set of services to support professionals in their book and speaking-related business goals.

Episode Highlights: 

00:​​​57  Intro
0​2:​20  ​Tell us about you and your journey to becoming a Professional Author Assistant (PAA).
0​​4:​39  How can a ​PAA help authors?
0​​7:​45  ​​Why do authors need a PAA?
​0​8:​​56  ​What is your favorite thing to do as a P​AA?
​​10:​24  ​​How can an author find a P​AA?
​​12:​0​6  Tell us about your writing time… Do you have a consistent time you wrote? Do you write daily? What worked for you and what are some things that do not work for you?
​​15:​58  What words of advice and encouragement do you have for new writers or someone who struggles to write their book?

Links Mentioned In This Episode: 

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About the Author

Joyce Glass, The Write Coach, helps writers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners use the power of story to connect with clients. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember your story. Joyce takes her clients through the book writing process from the idea of a writing a book to the finished manuscript. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book or in the process.  Joyce loves to help her clients break it down into manageable steps. Some people start multiple books, and never finish. Joyce helps you reach the finish line.

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