
Create A Clear Message

By Joyce Glass | Clarity

Gain Clarity

Athletes and corporations spend a lot of time watching their game or reviewing their business plans. This helps them to gain a clear picture of where they are now, and let’s them know how they need to improve.  As a writer or entrepreneur it is always good to keep an eye on where you have been, and find out how you need to improve.

I am in the 90 Day Year program with Todd Herman. He has been a high performance coach for many pro athletes and olympic athletes, and now he helps entrepreneurs with his unique approach.

I share the quotes on Facebook Live below from one of our lessons in the 90 Day Year Program.

Power of Story

“Well, you and I are hard wired for stories. No matter what happens in our lives, we always create meaning from it. Which basically means, we tell a story about what has happened, and a story told to the self without putting it under the microscope of analysis can cause us to relive a story over and over again.
Even businesses develop narratives and those narratives become a part of your culture. The reason these stories are so powerful is very simple. There is no more influential voice than the one in our own heads. If there is any amount of struggle or frustration going on in your business, maybe the story you’ve been telling yourself is that you’re not very good at this thing called business, or  finding the right people is impossible, or any one of a thousand different micro stories that could be hurting your confidence in the performance of your business.”

Take Time To Reflect 

“The one thing that I didn’t do in the very beginning of starting my business and entrepreneurial life was, I didn’t do a lot of reflecting. I didn’t have a couple of hours every single quarter, or every month where I was really sitting down and trying to unpack what’s working, what’s not working. What ended up happening for me was I was a classic opportunity seeker. Not that I was starting up all these wiz bang different businesses, but as soon as someone told me that there was a new way of building an audience for my crowd, I would go after that. I had all this massive dispersion of energy, there was real no focus behind what it was that I was doing. I lacked the strategic mindset.”

You can learn more about the 90 Day Year program and Todd Herman at www.ToddHerman.me.

Watch Facebook Live Post!!

You can fast forward to first few seconds. I didn’t think I had the camera on. My apologies!

Watch the Facebook Live to learn how to gain clarity in the message you share with your clients or through your writing.  Then download the Create A Clear Message Cheat Sheet to learn the ways to clarify your message and the benefits of having a clear message.

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Cheat Sheet 

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What is your story? 

What is the story you keep
telling yourself? 

Where do you want your
story to go? 

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About the Author

Joyce Glass, The Write Coach, helps writers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners use the power of story to connect with clients. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember your story. Joyce takes her clients through the book writing process from the idea of a writing a book to the finished manuscript. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book or in the process.  Joyce loves to help her clients break it down into manageable steps. Some people start multiple books, and never finish. Joyce helps you reach the finish line.

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